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Tuesday, April 14, 2009

my stupid behavior to "B"

yesterday my Darling came to my house having dinner with me=)
I really miss him a lot....
he give me a KISS^.^
after we finish our meals...
we play some game at my room....
he help me play....
during my HubBy busy for the game...
I go to disturb him...
I cam whole with him...^^

*ops...my ugly face again>.<*
You all see...
What he want to do with me???

*Angel-Da Tou-ah bear*
now ah bear is MINE^^

HubBy and BaoBei
*always stick with you HubBy Boswell*

I'm totally crazy....
*becasue he hug bear=(*

My hubBy said this is he style...

Our funny face^^
*I let my HubBy crazy with me*

Finally have Nice Nice Photo^^
*HubBy I know that I'm not the pretty girl and I know I can't compare with other girl but 1 thing I need to let you know is I have my true heart to LOVE you Forever...But I hope that you will felt happiness with me!!!*

When HubBy at my home, I can felt happiness with him...
cause I won't felt any unsafely....
without him I always felt very down....
and I also know him always try to accompany as he can....
Now I really hope Him will appear in front of me now....
I need he hug and Kiss...
because some of the reason I feel very E.M.O now....
I really want him beside me now....
I know that won't happen...
cause tomorrow he got test...
so now he need to study...

Tomorrow my huBby need to sit for another paper for final....
that's Retail Marketing at 5pm to 7pm....
Wish my HubBy can have good result...^^

p/s: miss him muchie muchie>.<>

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