♥the moment be with you♥
yesterday morning about 7am huBby call me....
he want to fetch go to he place to accompany him....
so I woke up and done myself to meet my HubBy....
about 8am HubbY reach my home.....
I faster to took my brunch...
cause my daddy want to finish my brunch so I just can go out....
If not my daddy will know that I won't took any brunch if I go out on that time....
when finish my brunch I quickly go out cause my huBby is waiting me on the car.....
I bring bear together....
cause I want to hug bear and also hug my huBby as well...
when reach huBby place....
we watch movie and also listen some music....
huBby recommend 1 music to me.....
and he say the lyric of this song is meaningful....
and also he want to tell me what he want to told me....
I really love it....
I cry when I hear that song.....
it really touch....
when my HubBy hug me I felt so happiness and touch....
I cry because of this....
I can felt the safety when he hug me tightly!!!
I really love the way he love me and hug me.....
I told my huBby many matter that I having now.....
he also afraid and worried about me.....
cause he scare I will think many negative matter again....
HubBy don't know why when I close my eye ur image keep appear on my mind.....
♥I really miss you so much.....♥
♥I love to together with you...♥
♥I don't care where you are...♥
♥I just wanna be with you!!!♥
p/s: I just wanna be with ♥YOU♥ ♥muacksss♥