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Saturday, January 30, 2010

Busy Month for me

 The Latest Me^^
This shirt my Biii bought for Japan
I know I know I know....
So sorry because of my laziness....
cause I really busy with my study and also those website...
no time to rest....
When after class if I have break I will go to find my Biii and will take a nap at my Biii room^^
Guy so sorry ya cause let u all wait so long....
I'll try my best to keep update...
1 more thing is recently the speed of connection is damn slow...
let me can't upload photo at my Facebook
I have 1 album until now also haven't upload at Facebook there....
that is Our 2nd Anniversary Celebration photo....
cannot blame anyone just because my area of internet connection is damn slow only...
I been try before Maxis,P1-W1MAX and also IZZI....
but this modem is not use....
So at last we still choose the IZZI cause this is the 1 most stable....
just the speed slow only....

what I was happen recently....
When I have some free time....
My Biii was bring me go to watch movie....
This few week we watch 3 movie....
that's The Spy Next Door, Tiger Woo and Tooth Fairy...
Both movie just The Spy Next Door and Tooth Fairy can watch only....
Cause the Tiger Woo I really don't understand the whole story....
from the start to the end don't know what they want to show to us...
me and my Biii watch until fall in sleep....
so I really don't recommended to u all....
But The Spy Next Door and Tooth Fairy is awesome...
is worth to watch...
Guys u all must go to watch it^^

Today my Biii cook lunch to me^^
I Love my Biii cook for me....
cause I just like a princess^^
no la....
I still got help my Biii^^

Just now we cook "Tang Yuan"
cause my Biii want to eat....
so we cook lo....^^
see the photo at below....
I purposely make it for my Biii^^
 Love Shape Tang Yuan
Tomorrow will go to buy my swimming suit....
cause want to accompany my Biii swimming...
although I don't know how to swim but my Biii said he will teach me^^

the below photo is our recently photo^^
still got lots...
but due to the connection problem....
I just upload 1 photo only.... 
Our Passion Of Love
I Love U

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